Mary And Rose

books, pictures, and other such stuff;

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

this is just the really amazingly cool process of silk screening. The logo is for MCR and band that my friend likes. The whole process is really pretty simple. You have your embroidery hoop, and like silk or nylon (some tightly woven fabric) you get you design offline, words are easy but I've done pictures. you trace you design onto the fabric then get your modpodge and glue everywhere that you don't want ink. then once all is dry you place it on the shirt and get your speed ball ink and spread it over and hopefully your design comes out as wanted! and its really cool. I've also made two sweatshirts for friends which I will get pictures up of.

catching up;

its been a while.
things have been busy here.
report cards.......instresting..
and life just continues on. Me and my friends have been into a lot of arts and crafts...I'll have to get pictures up at some point. Theres screenprinting at home the kind of crappy way, but it comes out just the same and you get to pick whichever design you want so everyone wins. Its cheap too!! also some cool tape cassette wallet that my friend Emily first made, and then I made one. There also pretty cool, I'll need to get pictures up for both of those. And then the amazing Iranya Court ! which is beautiful I would move in if I could. We will be getting 6 new neighbors some time in the next month or so, the grand openings were yesterday and sunday. There was a whole bunch of people you couldnt even walk around up there. Theres new offices for seth and stephanie, and other uses for the church and then the building where the girls are gonna live which is huge and amazing. I'll have to do a walk through video at some point with Rose and post it here so everyone who is not attending our church anymore can see it. I met one girl whos moving in the otheres havent been decided yet. Also seth and stephanie are pregnant again, so there will be a new baby in the neighborhood and liz rosener is also pregnant. theres also other stuff going on that I probably will remember at a later point. Me and Rose will try to get the video of Iranya Court done tommorow possibly.

Saturday, January 5, 2008


merry christmas, and happy new year....and everything else.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

fuck that

im not fucking moving, becuase no one can fucking make me. especially to a place filled with dipshits who all live in 102 degree weather with no fucking snow. i refuse. im not moving anywhere. i'll go where i wnat to go and thats it. sooo fuck moving.

out of order

the halloween pictures aren't quite on here yet so..for now i will just do the pictures from suzys birthday party. It was really cool for her party we went and aorked at the ten thousand villages warehouse in PA. First we went to MCC and sorted clothes; (i found an amazing carebear bathing suit)

There was a lot of clothes.

and we had a lot of fun trying on the clothes.

this is only a few people, but not everyone.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


im still grounded =[
till november 3rd so one more week.
The other night my parents let me and Rose go to this concert thing
and it was an a' capella group from rutgers.
our chior teacher was in it. and they were amazing!!!!!
you can listen to some of there things on this website here;
anyway. im kinda mad becuase my parents arent letting me go to the
gsa meeting (gay, straight alliance) at princeton highschool. becuase ireally wated to go..
but oh well
this week is spirit week at school, and its very amazing.
and saturday is the halloween party at the church, and were doing the haunted house
which i never really liked how kyle organized it but yet again..oh well.
but you should really listen to the a' capella music they are amazing!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


im grounded amazing me. Becuase i suck at life =]
school going ishy i got caught cutting class the other day, which was not fun.
BUT i got new shoes!!! before i got grounded hehe.
i think im grounded until the end of the month...
we'll see.
but it also kinda sucks because...
i have no
computer (dont ask how im writing this)
i can go nowhere.
unless my parents are driving me there
i cant leave the house
or be anywhere by myself.
its really aklsdjflaskjdglakdgj
and no more youth group. until its all over.
but...i got new shoes!!!! =] im happy